Unity Cookbook
By :

A UI Slider is a graphical tool that allows a user to set the numerical value of an object.
Figure 2.15: Example of a UI Slider offering a range of 0 to 20
This recipe illustrates how to create an interactive UI Slider and execute a C# method each time the user changes the UI Slider value.
To create a UI Slider and display its value on the screen, follow these steps:
and placeholder text, such as Slider value here
(this text will be replaced with the slider value when the scene starts). Set Overflow to Overflow. Since we may change the font and message at a later date, it’s useful to allow overflow to prevent some of the message being truncated.UI Slider
GameObject to the scene by going to GameObject | UI | Slider.UI Slider
GameObject’s Rect Transform to the top-middle part of the screen.0
and Max Value to 20
. Then, check the Whole Numbers checkbox:Figure 2.16: Setting the UI Slider’s Min Value and Max Value
containing the following code and add an instance as a scripted component to the Text(TMP)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
public class SliderValueToText : MonoBehaviour {
public Slider sliderUI;
private TextMeshProUGUI textSliderValue;
void Awake() {
textSliderValue = GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
void Start() {
public void ShowSliderValue () {
string sliderMessage = "Slider value = " + sliderUI.value;
textSliderValue.text = sliderMessage;
GameObject is selected in the Hierarchy window. Then, in the Inspector window, drag the Slider GameObject into the public Slider UI variable slot for the Slider
scripted component:Figure 2.17: Dragging Slider into the Slider UI variable
GameObject is selected in the Hierarchy window. Then, in the Inspector window, add an OnValue Changed (Single) event handler by clicking on the plus (+) sign at the bottom of the Slider component.Text(TMP)
GameObject from the Hierarchy window over to the Object slot (immediately below the menu that says Runtime Only), as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.18: Dragging the Text GameObject into None (Object)
You have now told Unity which object a message should be sent to each time the slider is changed.
method, in the scripted object in the Text(TMP) GameObject, will be executed:Figure 2.19: Drop-down menu for On Value Changed
value = <n>
(the leftmost of the slider) to 20
(the rightmost of the slider).In this recipe, you created a UI Slider GameObject and set it to contain whole numbers in the range of 0
to 20
You also added an instance of the SliderValueToText
C# script class to the UI Text(TMP)
The Awake()
method caches references to the Text component in the textSliderValue
The Start()
method invokes the ShowSliderValue()
method so that the display is correct when the scene begins (that is, the initial slider value is displayed).
The ShowSliderValue()
method gets the value of the slider and then updates the text that’s displayed to be a message in the form of Slider value = <n>
Finally, you added the ShowSliderValue()
method of the SliderValueToText
scripted component to the Slider GameObject’s list of On Value Changed event listeners. So, each time the slider value changes, it sends a message to call the ShowSliderValue()
method so that the new value is updated on the screen.