Unity Cookbook
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The following are sources that provide further information about Unity and AI navigation. Some NavMesh features (such as NavMesh Links and dynamic mesh baking at runtime) are not part of the standard Unity installation and require additional installation. You can learn more about these components, their APIs, and how to install them here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/.
The Unity Technologies NavMesh tutorial can be found here: https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/from-waypoints-to-navmesh.
While the Unity development community has been asking for 2D NavMeshes for some years now, they’ve not yet been released as a core feature. There is a lot of online information about how to write your own pathfinding system that would work in 2D. A working project (last checked in November 2023) that extends the Unity navigation components can be found here: