Unity Cookbook
By :

At the end of the previous recipe, we illustrated two ways to visually communicate buttons to users. The animation of button properties can be a highly effective and visually interesting way to reinforce to the user that the item their mouse is currently over is a clickable, active button. One common animation effect is for a button to become larger when the mouse is over it and then shrink back to its original size when the mouse is moved away. Animation effects are achieved by choosing the Animation option for the Transition property of a Button
GameObject, and by creating an Animation Controller with triggers for the Normal, Highlighted, Pressed, and Disabled states.
To animate a button for enlargement when the mouse is over it (the Highlighted state), do the following:
Figure 2.10: Auto Generate Animation
), naming it button-animation-controller
GameObject is selected in the Hierarchy window. Open Window | Animation | Animation. In the Animation window, select the Highlighted clip from the drop-down menu:Figure 2.11: Selecting the Button GameObject in the Hierarchy window
Figure 2.12: Deleting the keyframe
1.2, 1.2
).In this recipe, you created a button and set its Transition mode to Animation. This makes Unity require an Animation Controller with four states: Normal, Highlighted, Pressed, and Disabled. You then made Unity automatically create an Animation Controller with these four states.
Then, you edited the animation for the Highlighted (mouseover) state, deleting the second keyframe, and making the only keyframe a version of the button that’s larger so that its scale is 1.2. So, as is the case, if the GameObject has a Scale of 1 initially, when animating it will be scaled up to 1.2.
When the mouse is not hovering over the button, it’s unchanged, and the Normal state settings are used. When the mouse moves over the button, the Animation Controller smoothly modifies the settings of the button to become those of its Highlighted state (that is, bigger). When the mouse is moved away from the button, the Animation Controller smoothly modifies the settings of the button to become those of its Normal state (that is, its original size).
The following web pages offer video and web-based tutorials on UI animations: