Unity Cookbook
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A great feature to add to Third Person Controllers in games is the ability to accessorize them! Whether it’s clothing like hats and gloves, jewelry, or weapons, players engage with their characters more if they can see pickups added to character models.
A simple technique for hiding/revealing accessories is to add GameObjects to the appropriate part of the skeleton hierarchy, so as that part (head, hand, foot, etc.) of the skeleton is animated the accessory moves with it. In this recipe, we’ll download a free hat 3D model and add it to the skeleton hierarchy of the character in our scene. We’ll then make it active (so, invisible) until an object collides with it in the scene.
This recipe builds on the previous one, so make a copy of that and work on the copy.
For this recipe, we are illustrating accessories with a free hat FBX model published by 1pudge101 (thanks for making this free...