Unity Cookbook
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Making use of Prefabs from Unity, as we did in the previous recipe, is fine if we’re happy to use such Prefabs without any tweaking. However, we often want to adjust the look and feel of assets and Particle Systems so that they fit in with the style of a particular game or scene. Therefore, it is useful to learn how to create and customize Particle Systems from scratch in order to learn about the different parameters and modules that make up Unity Particle Systems. Knowing how to adjust these values means we are able to either create what we need or customize a Particle Systems prefab from a third-party source, such as the Unity examples.
In this recipe, we’ll create a Particle Systems from scratch and customize it in several ways to learn about some of the most important modules and parameters:
Figure 15.6: The scene we’ll create in this recipe with white, red, and yellow particles shimmering around...