To create a basic 3D cube controlled game, follow these steps:
- Create a new, empty Unity 3D project.
- Import the single Terrain Texture named SandAlbedo from Unity's Standard Assets. To do this, open the Asset Store window, search for Standard Assets, and click Import. When importing, click the None button to deselect everything, and then locate and tick the SandAlbedo.psd asset in the Standard Assets/Environment/TerrainAssets/SurfaceTextures folder. Finally, click the Import button; the SandAlbedo texture file should be downloaded into the project files in your Project window:

Figure 9.6 – Importing the SandAlbedo texture from Standard Assets
- Create a new terrain by going to GameObject | 3D Object | Terrain.
- With this new Terrain GameObject selected in Hierarchy window, in its Inspector window, set its Transform Position to (-15, 0, -10).
- In the Inspector window for the Terrain...