To create geometry with ProBuilder, follow these steps:
- Create a new Unity 3D project.
- Ensure Unity Grid Snapping is active (the button icon should be dark when selected). Set the X grid size and movement to 1 by going to Edit | Grid and Snap Settings ... and setting these values to 1:

Figure 5.23 – Unity Grid Snapping set to 1
- Use Package Manager to install the ProBuilder package by going to Window | Package Manager. Set this to Packages: ALL, click Advanced, and click Show preview packages. Click on ProBuilder and click Install.
- Display the ProBuilder panel by going to Tools | Probuilder | ProBuilder Window.
- Dock the panel (next to the Hierarchy window works well). Choose Text Mode or Icon Mode, as you prefer, by right-clicking the context menu:

Figure 5.24 – Text Mode versus Icon Mode for the ProBuilder window
- Create a new ProBuilder Plane by clicking New Shape...