To generate a default test script class, follow these steps:
- Create a new 3D Unity project.
- Display the Test Runner window by going to Window | General | Test Runner.

Figure 13.17 – The Test Runner panel
- Ensure that the EditMode button is selected in the Test Runner window.
- In the Test Runner window, click the Create EditMode Test Assembly Folder button. You'll now see a folder called Tests that's been created in the Project window.
- Select the Tests folder.
- In the Test Runner window, click the Create Test Script in Current Folder button.
- You should now have a new C# script named NewTestScript inside your Tests folder.
- To run the tests in your script class, click the Run All button in the Test Runner window.
- You should now see all green ticks (check marks) in the panel, as shown in Figure 13.16.