To run simple Python scripts inside Unity, follow these steps:
- Open the Package Manager window (menu: Window | Package Manager). At the time of writing, this package is still experimental, so while in the future you should be able to just search for Python for Unity in the Unity Registry list of packages, for now, you will need to choose the option to Add package by name... and then enter com.unity.scripting.python. The package should then be added to the project:

Figure 13.34 – Adding the Unity for Python package to a project
- Open the Python Script Editor window by going to Window | General | Python Console.
- Enter print ('Hello World') in the editor section (lower half) of the Python Script Editor window and click the Execute button. You should see a message stating Hello World appear in the output (top section) of the window:

Figure 13.35 – Executing a Hello World statement in the Python...