This recipe requires both the UI Toolkit runtime package and UI Builder to be installed. At the time of writing, these are preview packages (scheduled for a stable release from Unity 2021.2) and must be installed via their URLs, as described in this recipe:
- Display the Package Manager panel (Window | Package Manager).
- Click the plus (+) button to add a package from files and select Add package from git URL from the drop-down menu:

Figure 3.39 – Adding a package via git URL
- To add the UI Toolkit package, enter com.unity.ui for the URL and click the Add button:

Figure 3.40 – Entering the git URL for the package to be added to the project
- To add the UI Builder package, follow step 2 again, but this time, enter com.unity.ui.builder for the URL and click the Add button.
- You should now see both UI packages listed as installed for the current project:

Figure 3.41 – Entering the Git URL for...