Unity 2022 by Example
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Creating our player character for the 2D adventure game will be a multi-step process. In this section, we’ll cover all the steps required to make an animated 2D character controlled by the player.
We’ll start with the import settings for the artwork and setting up the character bones that will allow us to animate. You’ll repeat these actions many times throughout a project while importing artwork and assets. PSD Importer is an asset importer that can work with multilayered PSB/PSD files to create a Prefab of sprites based on the source layers.
The import options allow Unity to generate both a sprite sheet and a character rig that arranges the sprites according to their original position and layer order, significantly simplifying the creation of a sprite-based animated character.
Let’s go ahead and import the artwork for the player character. Here, we will set up the source file so that it uses PSD...