Unity 2022 by Example
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Having just created a new 2D URP project and opened up the Editor, let’s take a tour of the Unity 2022 interface! We’ll cover only the most common features in this section and dig deeper into the features of the specific windows and toolbars as we work through our projects in the later chapters, providing the information in the context of the required task.
When we open the Unity Editor for the first time, it will use the default Windows layout, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 1.3 – The Unity 2022 Editor default layout
The common Editor windows that you’ll be using most of the time are the following:
Note that in the default layout, clicking on a tab, such as Game or Console in Figure 1.3, will bring it to the “front” for interaction. Tabs can also be dragged and docked to other windows to provide a fully customized layout.
In addition to these windows, Unity also has some toolbars, such as the following:
Figure 1.4 – The Unity 2022 Editor toolbars
If the Anchor position of your GameObject in the scene View doesn’t look correct, don’t forget to check this setting!
You may need to change between Global or Local space settings to rotate an object correctly. If your rotations don’t look correct, don’t forget to check this setting!
One more “toolbar” along the bottom of the Editor window is called the Status bar (not pictured). The Status bar mostly provides the current status of specific processes, such as the last Console warning or error message (left-side), the progress of lighting generation (right-side), and the code compilation spinner (right-corner).
Additional reading | Unity documentation
You can find more information on Unity’s interface at https://docs.unity3d.com/2022.3/Documentation/Manual/UsingTheEditor.html
In this section, you learned about the familiar Editor windows and toolbars and how they can manipulate objects in the scene View. Let’s see how we can extend the features and tooling in the Editor now with Packages.
Without knowing, you were already introduced to packages earlier when we discussed the Universal RP. Since we started with a URP template, we didn’t have to do anything special, but Unity provides Scriptable Render Pipeline support through packages! Packages provide a way for Unity to offer multiple versions of an engine feature or service without requiring a new installation of the Editor. You can even try out the latest pre-release version of a package to stay on the cutting edge of the technology and quickly revert to a stable or alternate version should you encounter any problems. The Package Manager is accessible from the top menu: Window | Package Manager.
Figure 1.5 – The Unity Package Manager
Feature sets in the Package Manager are bundles of common tooling that provide a simpler and more streamlined install experience. The 2D feature set (selected in Figure 1.4) is for creators working with 2D projects. In our case, again, having started from the 2D URP template, the 2D feature set has already been imported to our project (indicated by the green checkmark). We’re good to go!
Should you need to make any changes to the packages in your project, from the dropdown in the Package Manager top menu, you can see what packages are available from what is already in your project via In Project, or either the Unity Registry or My Assets (which are assets you’ve purchased in the Unity Asset Store) selections. Managing a package is as simple as selecting it in the list and choosing an available function from the buttons displayed in the bottom-right window. For example, Download, Install, Remove, or Update.
Packages are project-specific, so you will need to ensure you have the desired packages installed for each new project you create!
New to Unity 2022
In the Package Manager window, you can now multi-select packages in the list for adding, updating, or removing in a single operation.
In this section, you learned about the Editor windows and toolbars and how to add/remove features and tooling with packages that extend the Editor’s capabilities. Next, we’ll start learning about the GameObject.