Unity 2022 by Example
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Let me immediately set some expectations for this section – we won’t spend much time on lighting design. It’s a subject worthy of an entire book all on its own. So, what we will be covering are some basics any game developer should be familiar with when working with lighting 3D scenes in Unity.
The first thing I would like to address is that Unity has released a new rendering path for Universal RP (URP) with the 2022.3 LTS version called Forward+ Rending.
Additional reading | Unity documentation
Forward+ Rendering Path: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal%4014.0/manual/rendering/forward-plus-rendering-path.html.
The Forward+ Rendering Path (Forward+) gives several advantages over the previous Forward Rendering Path (Forward), but it primarily overcomes the per-object limit on the number of lights that can affect GameObjects in the scene (note that...