Part 1: Getting Started with Unreal Engine 5
In this part, you will take your first steps inside Unreal Engine 5. Starting at the very beginning by installing the Engine on your workstation, you will learn how to create your first project inside Unreal Engine 5. After exploring its interface and gaining confidence with the Engine’s project structure, you will learn how to import 3D models and textures inside Unreal Engine 5. At this point, you will be confident enough to jump into the materials and shading world and, after that, you will learn several lighting techniques to be used inside Unreal Engine 5. This fundamental part ends with a chapter about the newest features in which you will explore Nanite, Virtual Textures, and the World Partition tool. At the end of this part, you will be able to import your own 3D model, create a Master Material to modify its aspect in real time, and create a perfect lighting setup.
This part has the following chapters: