Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics
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In this chapter, we covered how to work with MoCap animation on the MetaHuman Control Rig in UE5 Sequencer. We planned what we wanted to achieve, then learned how to bake MoCap animation from the skeleton to the MetaHuman Control Rig. We had a good overview of the MetaHuman Control Rig itself and how to use its controllers. Then, we set up UE so that it's easier to animate within tight spaces by changing the Near Clipping Plane values.
We finished this chapter by cleaning up the Stand Up animation while using the Poses and Snapper tools in the Animation window. This chapter should have provided a good overview of how to edit MoCap in UE5. You should now be able to get the most out of all the free or paid-for MoCap libraries out there, as well as customize these MoCap animations for your own needs.
In the next chapter, we will combine all the assets we created in this book into our final movie scene in Sequencer.