Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics
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To start this tutorial, load the project you created in Chapter 9, Building a Virtual 3D Movie Set in UE5. We will continue this chapter's tutorial by using this project.
Select Atmospheric Fog and Sky Sphere in the World Outliner panel and then press the Delete key to delete these two items from your scene. As soon as they are deleted, the sky in your 3D movie set will turn completely dark (since we deleted the Sky Sphere asset). Don't worry – this is all part of the steps in this tutorial.
The reason we've deleted the Atmospheric Fog asset is that, later, we will replace it with a more advanced type of fog: Exponential Height Fog.
The reason we've deleted the Sky Sphere is that we will use the Sky Atmosphere system instead.
Your World Outliner panel should now only list the following assets: multiple Rock assets, ForeGround, BackGround, multiple AlienPlant static meshes, Planet1, SciFiGirl, 16 armor pieces, RobotDrone...