Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics
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During the tutorial in this section, after completing the idle cycle in the previous section, I will teach you how to repurpose the idle cycle animation and adapt it to a movement cycle. This is a great way to reuse what we have already done and at the same time, you can learn a few ways to edit existing animations.
I call it a movement cycle, but in reality, it will be animated on the spot and the Robot Drone won't be moving forward for now, during the creation of this animation cycle. This movement cycle is a bit like an idle cycle but looks more like the character is flying forward while doing it.
We will play this movement cycle in our final sequence when our Robot Drone is moving around the scene and will then put actual forward movement in. So, during our final scene in this book, when the robot is hovering in the same spot, we will play the idle cycle, but when it starts moving, we will play the movement cycle.
We can start by duplicating...