Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics
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For the third animation, we will do an activation. In this activation, the robot turns on, then performs a greeting gesture, and then ends with the idle cycle pose. Here, you can let your creativity run wild and do what you want. At the end of the book, we will put together a final sequence in Sequencer where we will use all the assets we created while working through this book.
Our MetaHuman character will at some point push a button on its suit to activate the drone. The drone will activate, then acknowledge/greet them and then go to the idle cycle pose we saved before so it can blend seamlessly back into the idle cycle animation that we animated here.
How the Robot Drone activates and how it greets the character is up to you. The only thing we must do is end with the IdleBasePose
pose (see Figure 17.13) that we can load from our pose library at the end frame of the animation.
Here, you will use everything you have learned so far about animating...