Crystal Programming
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Crystal supports Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD, but it cannot run natively on Windows today. All other platforms are Unix-like and are reasonably similar. On the other hand, Windows is an entirely different thing and requires considerable effort to be correctly supported. This is one of the most requested features, and work has been underway to provide proper Windows support. Running Crystal inside Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is supported, but this is mostly intended for developers.
Crystal 1.0.0 was released with very early support to get simple programs compiled to Windows, but this doesn't mean you can already use it for everything: concurrent I/O features (files, sockets, console, and so on), for example, are still missing. Fortunately, implementations for each of those primitives are being contributed by the community and should be available on one of the following 1.x versions.
You can check the current progress on GitHub issue #5430. If this issue is already...