Gamification with Unity 5.x
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There are many different methods of prototyping a game; in fact, you could probably write a book on it. The two main methods of prototyping are paper and rapid. Each can use a range of different materials, just like in the image below, or you can create it digitally.
To put simply, it involves no use of technology and only physical materials. This is what caveman game developers would have used before creating their final games. Paper prototyping includes using primitive resources such as pens, paper, scissors, glue, post-it notes, stickers, and so forth. The idea is to get your basic ideas out and get a more physical visualization, for example, if you're creating a game to encourage workplace productivity. You might reconstruct a portion of your workspace environment and then add various elements such as obstacles (which can be plastic counters) that the player has to overcome during their hourly commute to get coffee. It's also a good way to quickly...