If you are looking for pixel-perfect alignment and positioning, the Align toolbar is the best tool. It contains the necessary icons to align, distribute, and resize the objects of your slides. By default, the Align toolbar is not displayed in the Captivate interface, so your first task is to turn it on:
- Use the Window | Align menu item to turn the Align toolbar on. By default, it appears in the top-left area of the screen.
As shown in the following screenshot, the Align toolbar contains 14 icons. During the next exercise, you will use many of these. To make it clearer to know which icon to click, they are numbered in the screenshot:

The Align toolbar actually contain 18 icons, but only the first 14 are used to align and resize items on the stage. The remaining four icons are used to arrange the stacking order of objects. Arranging the stacking order will be covered later in this chapter.
The icons become available to use when you've selected something....