One of the most recent additions to the Toolbar is the Community icon. Clicking this icon opens the Adobe eLearning Community portal inside Captivate.
The Adobe eLearning Community Portal is the best place to find information and to interact with other Captivate users. The eLearning Community Portal features the following:
- Blog posts from members of the community.
- Showcases of Captivate course modules.
- A very active forum where you can ask questions and get answers from some of the most influential and popular Captivate users.
- A wide library of video tutorials.
- An agenda of upcoming events, including webinars hosted by members of the Captivate team or members of the community (including us, the authors of this book!).
- And much more!
Performing activities on the eLearning community (such as answering questions, writing blogs/articles, and so on) gives you an opportunity to score points and enhance your level as a product expert. These points can be turned into a wide variety of exciting incentives, including free Captivate licenses and invitations to live events.
From newbies to legends, there is a place for everyone on the eLearning portal!