Unity Certified Programmer Exam Guide
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In this section, we will focus on the player's ship. We'll create a series of different visual art techniques to make our ship look futuristic without physically changing its geometry. We will create and apply a type of material to our ship that is used as housing to hold and display several maps. These maps are responsible for targeting specific channels on our player's ship. Because this book is specifically for programmers, I have created several of these maps that you can drag and drop into the material component that sits within the Inspector window.
Normally, if a three-dimensional model, such as the player's ship, has a texture applied to it, the model needs to undergo a method called unwrapping. Unwrapping is like peeling off the faces of the model and laying them down flat so that they can have textures applied to them. Then, the unpeeled faces are wrapped back around the three-dimensional model. If the...