Unity Certified Programmer Exam Guide
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This chapter was about taking the game we have been developing throughout this book and putting it together as it reached its end. We spoke about how we could push our game further by adding physics collisions other than bullets or buttons. We set up collisions that got us more involved with tweaking the Rigidbody component to make our game objects behave in different ways. We did this by adding drag and affecting our scene's gravity.
We then moved on and discussed how we could improve our game's screen ratio by updating its Canvas Scaler and how it would make our UI look more stable under different ratios. We also made our game-playing area more flexible under the different resolutions using different Unity functions, such as WorldToViewportPoint
At this point, our mobile version was ready to be built and tested so that we could see how well it ran with updated touchscreen controls. We also looked into its optimization in terms of textures and compressed them...