Unity Certified Programmer Exam Guide
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As you will recall, back in Chapter 1, Setting Up and Structuring Our Project, we spoke about design patterns and how useful they are for maintaining our code. One of the design patterns we briefly covered was the Singleton pattern. Without repeating ourselves, the Singleton pattern gives us global access to code that can then be obtained at a point in our game. So, where can we see the benefits of using the Singleton design pattern? Well, we could use it so that Unity always keeps certain scripts accessible, no matter what scene we are in. We have already added a lot of structuring to our game framework and we still have a couple of manager scripts to add, such as ScoreManager
and ScenesManager
Now is a good time to give all of the manager scripts global access to all other scripts in the game. Managers give a general overview of what is going on and steer which way the game needs to go without getting caught up in the details of the other scripts...