Unity Certified Programmer Exam Guide
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This will be our prototype/demo for a futuristic classic side-scrolling shooter, where we get to power up the ship and destroy the enemies that come at the player in a killer wave! We have spoken about design patterns and solid principles, and we are going to examine them in more detail, including all of the six core objectives for the Unity programmer exam. We will go through structuring the game, breaking it up into a framework of segments. We need to understand the relationship between each class and know how to expand our code without it upsetting what we've already written.
We will cover particle effects with an environment of stars whizzing past and ship thrusters with multiple particle colors. We will animate enemy ships and use Unity's own API to animate our environment scene. The list is quite long, but if we go through this project, we will not only be ready to tackle the Unity programmer exam, but we will also be ready to expand...