Unity Certified Programmer Exam Guide
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In this chapter, we looked into two different parts of our game: the in-game HUD and rebuilding our shop scene. Both of these used Unity's UI components but in different ways.
In the in-game HUD section, we read up about what a HUD is and how we can incorporate one into our game. By doing this, we learned how to use Horizontal Layout Group to order images correctly, Render Texture to take a feed from a second camera, and Raw Image to display a feed from Render Texture.
Most importantly, as required by the Unity Programmer Exam, you need to understand what a HUD is and how to build elements into it, such as a mini-map.
In the second part of this chapter, we reviewed our current shop scene's interface and code. We took it apart and rebuilt its interface as a Unity Event system that ran methods directly instead of casting a ray to call a method. We also made the interface support multiple ratios.
With the skills covered in this chapter, you should feel more...