Unity Certified Programmer Exam Guide
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For some time, Unity has been issuing exams that cover a range of different skills for people who are either graduates, self-taught, or are classed as veterans in their field.
If we check the prerequisites on Unity's website (https://unity.com/products/unity-certifications/professional-programmer), they tell us that this exam isn't for absolute beginners and you need at least 2 years of experience working with Unity and computer programming, including C#. This book will take you through the process of becoming as familiar as possible with Unity and its services, to the point where it might feel like a beginners' course; however, I expect you to know the fundamentals of C# programming, such as what an if
statement is, what a function does, and what a class represents. If you don't, I would recommend reading Harrison Ferrone's Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2020 book first (https://www.packtpub...