Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide
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With this chapter, you've taken an important step in your journey as a game developer. Understanding how to build a game clock will serve you well in nearly all of the games you venture off to build. Games without some kind of clock or timer are uncommon, so adding this notch to your game developer tool belt is a real victory. Here are some skills you learned in this chapter:
Creating a font material
Displaying values on-screen with GUIText
Converting numbers to strings
Formatting string data to two decimal places
Ratios: the only math you'll ever need (according to someone who doesn't know math!)
Storing texture images in variables
Scaling or snipping graphics based on script data
Rotating, and then unrotating, the GUI
Converting hardcoded script values to dynamic script values
With three chapters behind you on linking scenes with buttons, displaying title screens, adding clocks and on-screen counters, the keep-up game that we started so long ago is starting to seem a little...
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour