Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide
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We have succeeded in creating a fully functional local multiplayer turn-based strategy game for a couple of flesh-and-blood players, entirely out of things we found around the house (and Primitives we found in Unity's GameObject menu). We could stop right there, but you were promised AI programming, and AI programming you shall have.
Before we charge into the next chapter, let's take a look back on some of the concepts covered in the warm-up.
You have learned how to:
Build a working game in Unity with no imported assets
Prevent GameObjects from colliding using the Is Trigger checkbox
Refactor code for improved readability and maintenance
Create a custom function that returns a value
Use the return
keyword to spit out a value from within a function
Return no value in order to escape the rest of a function
Don't go away! The fun continues one page from now. If you want to have a few games of digital Tic Tac Toe before moving on, indulge yourself!
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