Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide
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Let's make a quick list of the stuff we need to do to make this flip n' match memory game functional. Break all of the missing pieces into little bite-sized tasks. For smaller game projects, I like to put these steps in a list with checkboxes. Then, I can put a big 'X' in the box when I'm finished. There is no more satisfying thing I can do in any given workday than to put X's in boxes.
Here's what we need to do to get this game working:
Center the grid on the screen.
Put different images on the cards. (It would be great if the cards could be shuffled around every time you played!)
Figure out how to break the robots and distribute their body parts on the cards properly.
Make the cards flip over from back to front when you click them.
Prevent the player from flipping over more than two cards in a turn.
Compare two flipped-over cards to see if they match (note: if they match, we should remove the cards from the table. If they don't match, we should flip them back...
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour