Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide
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Let's add a built-in GameObject
to the Scene view:
In the menu, click on GameObject.
Point to Create Other.
Click on Sphere.
Well, yeah, actually! Unity has a number of prebuilt simple 3D models, also known as primitives, which we can use to get started. You've just created a built-in game object with four components on it. A component is a piece of functionality that modifies or augments a GameObject. Look at the Inspector panel to see what the Sphere's components are:
Transform: This determines how a game object is positioned, rotated, and scaled (made big or small) in your Scene view.
Mesh Filter: This component takes a mesh, and runs it through the Mesh Renderer. A Mesh defines the connected vertices that comprise a 3D structure.
Sphere Collider: This is a sphere-shaped boundary on our game object that helps Unity figure out when instances of game object colliders touch, overlap, or stop touching.
Mesh Renderer...
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