Augmented Reality Game Development
By :

Now, with all the background set and our course laid out, let's get started by introducing mobile development with Unity. More advanced readers who have developed Unity games on Android or iOS may want to skip ahead to Chapter 2, Mapping the Player's Location.
This installation guide is intended to be cross-platform compatible and should work on Windows, Linux, or Mac. For the sake of brevity, only screenshots for the Windows platform will be shown.
Even if you have installed Unity before, but have not done mobile development, make sure that you follow this section closely. There are a couple of important steps you would not want to miss.
Perform the following steps to install Unity:
In the following example screenshot, we have selected both Android and iOS. Ensure that you only select the platform you need:
Choose only the components you need
Even with the limited number of components, the installation will still take several minutes, so grab a coffee and wait until it completes.
If you are using an Android device to test the game, use this section to get ready. Developers who already have experience with Android can briefly review this section or jump ahead to the Getting Started with Unity section in this chapter.
Always install the same architecture version, 64 or 32 bit.
Follow the subsequent steps to install the Android SDK on your development computer. Even if you already have the SDK installed, please review these steps to ensure that you have the right path and components set:
Always note where you install a development kit like the JDK or SDK.
Install the Android SDK component
and Android/AndroidSDK
are used:
Select an installation location that will be easy to find later on
Set the Android SDK location and select API level that matches your device
For best results when following the examples in this book, you will need to connect a physical device to your computer for testing. It is possible to emulate a GPS and camera in an Android emulator, but that is beyond the scope of this book. Follow these steps to get your device connected:
folder where we installed the Android SDK to above.cd platform-tools adb devices
That completes the bulk of setting up an Android device. We still have a couple more settings to make in Unity, but we will cover that in the next section on project setup.
In order to keep the content of this book focused and the development platform independent, we will not provide a step-by-step guide here. However, there is an excellent guide for iOS setup on the Unity site at https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/mobile-touch/building-your-unity-game-ios-device-testing.
After you complete your iOS setup, return to the book, and we will begin building the example game project.
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