Augmented Reality for Developers
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We are now ready to wire up our application with real-world targets. Our objective is to give the user cards for each of the planets. When they point their camera at one of the cards, they should see the solar system from the point of view of that planet. And, of course, we have a solar system card that puts the sun at the center.
VuMark is Vuforia's system for generating coded markers. Vuforia comes with a set of example VuMarks, encoded for values from 0 through 99, part of the Vuforia Samples package. They (once imported into your Unity project) can be found in Assets/Editor/Vuforia/ForPrint/Vuforia-VuMark-Instances-00-99.zip
, which contains versions in SVG, PNG, and PDF formats.
As mentioned at the top of this chapter, we have provided a PDF file with example cards using the VuMark examples for this project, as illustrated in the following figure. Each card has a separate VuMark marker that embeds a 2D bar code representing the numbers 0 through 9. Some of...