We've already learned how the TImage component can hold MultiResBitmap and show the most appropriate scale version according to the capabilities of the device running the application. The TGlyph component pushes this concept further and allows you to show the best version of your application. It does this by considering not only the screen density of the device but also the size of the desired image, as shown in the following screenshot:

The preceding screenshot shows that if you have an image list (ImageList1), it provides an entry with a default size of 256 x 256 and bitmaps for scale factors 0.25 (64 x 64), 0.5 (128 x 128), 1.0 (256 x 256), 2.0 (512 x 512), and 4.22 (1080 x 1080)..
Once you've done this, you can add a TGlyph component. Note that it implements the IGlyph interface (defined in the FMX.ActnList unit), which basically consists of a couple of properties (Images and ImageIndex), and the ImagesChanged method (this should...