Kivy Cookbook
By :

This recipe will give you a first look at the widgets' distribution and their interaction.
This recipe will use two common widgets, just for reference; again we'll be looking at the Button
and TextInput
fields. Also, a common kind of layout is BoxLayout
, which controls the distribution of objects in the interface.
This recipe works by performing the following steps:
<Controller>: label_wid: my_custom_label BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' padding: 20 Button: text: 'My controller info is: ' + root.info on_press: root.do_action() Label: id: my_custom_label text: 'My label before button press'
import kivy kivy.require('1.8.0') from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.app import App from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty, StringProperty class Controller(FloatLayout): label_wid = ObjectProperty() info = StringProperty() def do_action(self): self.label_wid.text = 'Button pressed' self.info = 'Bye' class e8App(App): def build(self): return Controller(info='Hello world') if __name__ == '__main__': e8App().run()
If we are designing with the Kv language, let's see it in detail. In the first line:
We are given the rule Controller
, so remember that you are going to need a class Controller
in your Python code. The second line is:
label_wid: my_custom_label
This code line gives defines the label for this rule from a reference to the Label
. The third line is:
We start the definition of the properties for the layout. In the fourth and fifth lines:
orientation: 'horizontal' padding: 20
We give values to the properties: in this case, horizontal to the orientation and 20 to the padding (the empty space beyond the border of the window). The sixth, seventh, and eighth lines are:
Button: text: 'My controller info is: ' + root.info on_press: root.do_action()
This is the definition for the button. Here is the most important part of the designing with the Kv language: the order in which it appears in the code is the same as that in which the widgets are arranged in the layout, so the button will be the leftmost of all the widgets that we will use. The final part of the code is the definition of the Label
Label: id: my_custom_label text: 'My label before button press'
An interesting modification can be done to the following fourth line of the KV file:
orientation: 'horizontal'
To change the orientation of BoxLayout
from horizontal to vertical, we can change the preceding line to the following line:
orientation: 'vertical'
It will have the same functionality, but the button will be above the label.
If you want more details about widgets and layouts, see the recipes in Chapter 4 , Widgets.
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour