Kivy Cookbook
By :

This recipe will teach you how to access definitions inside the Kv language in your Python code and vice versa.
This recipe will use button, a very common widget that we also used in the last recipe.
This recipe follows as:
<MyW>: Button: id: b1 text: 'Press to smash' on_release: root.b_smash()
import kivy kivy.require('1.8.0') # replace with your current kivy version ! from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget class MyW(Widget): def b_smash(self): self.ids.b1.text = 'Pudding' class e7App(App): def build(self): return MyW() if __name__ == '__main__': e7App().run()
In the Kv Language file, we have the following in the first line:
This is the name of the widget, a simple button. The second line is:
This is the button definition. The third line is:
id: b1
This gives the button an ID b1
. The fourth line is:
text: 'Press to smash'
This makes the initial text on the button 'Press to smash'
. The fifth line is:
on_release: root.b_smash()
The preceding line is making a call to the Python code; it refers the method b_smash()
of the root class MyW
The fifth line in the Python code is:
class MyW(Widget):
This is the definition of the class related to the Widget
. The sixth line is:
def b_smash(self):
This defines the method b_smash()
, which is accessed by the Kv language file. The seventh line is:
self.ids.b1.text = 'Pudding'
This accesses the widget defined in the Kv language file, specifically the button with its ID, and changes the text displayed in the button to the text Pudding
If you want to run your interface, take a look at our recipe Running your code, and to get more details about widgets, see the recipes in Chapter 4, Widgets.
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour