Sculpting the Blender Way
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Our head sculpture is coming along nicely. So far in this chapter, we've made the basic shape of the head in the Creating large forms of the head with the Grab brush section, and then we followed up by adding ears and a neck in the Using masks to add the ears and neck section. At this point, we are ready to build up the nose and brow area.
In the Understanding the components of a 3D sculpture section of Chapter 2, Overview of Blender's Sculpting Workflows, we learned that 3D sculptures are made out of polygons. However, once we have enough resolution, the polygons start to visually blend together, and we can start thinking about them as a blob of clay. Several of the brushes in Blender attempt to emulate traditional techniques of clay sculpting, such as layering clay onto the sculpture to build up new forms.
For this section, we're going to try the Clay Strips brush, which will let us lay down thick tubes...