Getting Started with Unity 5.x 2D Game Development
By :

Unfortunately, this travel in the world of game development has come to an end (although this last chapter should have made you realize that this is just the beginning of your journey). Time flew, and I just realized that I filled up a whole book!
I really want to thank you all, the readers whom I didn't have a chance to meet in person. But when I was writing the words of this book until very late at night, I felt connected to all of you in some way. For me, this has been an amazing travel too (although at sometimes tiring and stressful).
In case you have illegally downloaded this book but you really liked it, please consider buying it. I work hard to deliver high-quality content and this takes time. If you are unable to afford this book, you can always offer me a coffee (www.francescosapio.com/BuyMeACoffee) or support this book by sharing the link to buy it (not to torrent and download it) on social media.
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