Getting Started with Unity 5.x 2D Game Development
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In this section, we will implement the spawning system of the game. This can be done in many ways. However, since we have only one kind of Panda (at least for the moment), we will implement it in a simple way. In any case, we will use coroutines to implement the system, and we will see a template structure which we might also use in more complex spawning systems (in the next chapter, some ideas of more complex spawning systems will be provided).
It is a structure that Unity provides to allow functions to be interrupted and continued in other frames of the game. In the case of our spawning system, we don't want to spawn all the Pandas at the same time, but a little bit over time. This over time can be controlled with coroutines. You can definitely learn more and see some examples in the official documentation here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Coroutines.html
However, the most important things to know about coroutines are listed here: