Learning Xcode 8
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Whew! Take a deep breath, because that was a lot of information. We touched on many different subjects, but hopefully you are now in the right mindset to begin your journey. Let's do a quick review of everything we learned in this chapter. First, we discussed a developer's responsibilities throughout a normal product lifecycle. Next, we outlined how a team might look, and how a developer would interact with the different roles. Perhaps one of the most important topics that we covered in this chapter is the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern for building software. Lastly, we looked at setting up an Apple Developer Account.
In the next chapter, we'll be taking a much deeper look into Xcode. You've already seen and read about bits and pieces of Xcode, but now we'll be walking through all of the major features, and getting a feel for navigating through the program. As we're exploring, keep in mind the topics of this chapter, especially MVC, and see if you can figure out how they manifest throughout Xcode.