Unity 5.x By Example
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We now have an NPC that follows a destination object, which is valuable in itself as an exercise, but we'll need more sophisticated behavior than this. Specifically, we'll need the NPC to patrol, that is, move across multiple destinations in order via a waypoint system, moving from one destination to the next in sequence. There are multiple approaches that could be taken to achieve this. One method is through script. Through this method, we'd create an array of different waypoint objects and iterate through them on a loop such that when the NPC reaches one destination, they'll move on to the next one. Now, this approach can be very efficient and effective, but there's another method. Specifically, instead of using script, we can create an animation to move a single destination object to different waypoint locations over time, and because the NPC continually follows the destination wherever it moves, it will continually patrol.
Let's take this second approach. Start...