Unity 5.x By Example
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Before getting stuck in with the twin-stick shooter game, let's see what the completed project looks like and how it works. See Figure 3.1. The game to be created will contain one scene only. In this scene, the player controls a spaceship that can shoot oncoming enemies. The directional keyboard arrows, and WASD, move the spaceship around the level, and it will always turn to face the mouse pointer. Clicking the left mouse button will fire ammo.
Figure 3.1: The completed twin-stick shooter game
The completed TwinStickShooter
project, as discussed in this chapter and the next, can be found in the book companion files in the Chapter03/TwinStickShooter folder
Most assets for this game (including sound and textures) were sourced from the freely accessible site, OpenGameArt.org. Here, you can find many game assets available through the public domain or creative common licenses or other licenses.