Unity 5.x By Example
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Both the player spaceship and enemies need health. Health is a measure of a character's presence and legitimacy in the scene, typically scored as a value between 0-100. 0 means death and 100 means full health. Now, although health is, in many respects, specific to each instance, (The player has a unique health bar and each enemy has theirs.) there are nevertheless so many things in common, in terms of behavior, between player and enemy health that it makes sense to code health as a separate component and class that can be attached to all objects that need health. Consider Code Sample 3.3, which should be attached to the player and all enemies or objects that need health. Comments follow:
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; //------------------------------ public class Health : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject DeathParticlesPrefab = null; private Transform ThisTransform = null; public bool ShouldDestroyOnDeath = true; //------------------------------ void Start(...