Python Data Analysis, Second Edition
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C is a widespread programming language developed around 1970. Various C dialects exist, and C has influenced other programming languages. C is not object-oriented. This led to the creation of C++, which is an object-oriented language with C features, since C is a subset of C++. C and C++ are compiled languages. We need to compile source code to create so-called object files. After that, we must link the object files to create dynamically shared libraries.
The good thing about integrating C and Python is that a lot of options are available to us. The first option is Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG). SWIG adds an additional step in the development process, which is the generation of glue code between Python and C (or C++). Download SWIG from http://www.swig.org/download.html. At the time of writing, the latest SWIG version is 3.0.12. A prerequisite to installing SWIG is to install Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). PCRE is a C regular expressions...