Python Data Analysis, Second Edition
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Artificial neural networks (ANN) are models inspired by the animal brain (highly evolved animals). A neural network is a network of neurons-units with inputs and outputs. For example, the input of a neuron can be a value related to the pixel of an image and the output of a neuron can be passed to another neuron and then another, and so on, thus creating a multilayered network. Neural networks contain adaptive elements, making them suitable to deal with nonlinear models and pattern recognition problems. We will again try to predict whether it is going to rain based on day-of-the-year and previous day values. Let's use the theanets Python library, which can be installed as follows:
$ pip3 install theanets nose_parameterized
One of the technical reviewers encountered an error, which was resolved by updating NumPy and SciPy. We first create an Experiment
corresponding to a neural network and then train the network. Create a network with two input neurons and one output...