The task table, like any table, consists of table columns (fields) that can store data for each record. In particular, the task table has several fields which are supremely useful for nearly any record that could be used to track work in ServiceNow. Below are some of those fields, and a description of their purpose. These fields may or may not be shown on the form or the list of any task-extended table, but all of them exist on all tables that extend the Task [task] table.

Learning ServiceNow
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Learning ServiceNow
Overview of this book
This book shows you how to put important ServiceNow features to work in the real world. We will introduce key concepts and examples on managing and automating IT services, and help you build a solid foundation towards this new approach. We’ll demonstrate how to effectively implement various system configurations within ServiceNow. We’ll show you how to configure and administer your instance, and then move on to building strong user interfaces and creating powerful workflows.
We also cover other key elements of ServiceNow, such as alerts and notifications, security, reporting, and custom development. You will learn how to improve your business’ workflow, processes, and operational efficiency. By the end of this book, you will be able to successfully configure and manage ServiceNow within your organization.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
The Interface
Lists and Forms
UI Customization
Understanding Data and Relationships
Tasks and Workflows
UI and Data Policies
User Administration and Security
Introduction to Scripting
The Server-side Glide API
The Client-side Glide API
Server-side Scripting
Client-side Scripting
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