Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum
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Which Application contains your API token?
There are two places to obtain your API token. The first is the Account settings view, where the API token is available and where you can regenerate a different token if needed. The other is on the main dashboard.
Which device in your resources list has the fewest qubits?
The availability of the device with the fewest qubits will vary based on the quantum devices available. However, at the time of writing, there are systems with no less than 127 qubits. The next systems will be of sizes 133 qubits and higher. This is due to the recent shift to the IBM Quantum Platform to provide quantum utility systems (over 100 qubits).
Which Application would provide you a qubit map of a quantum system?
The IBM Quantum Platform provides the Compute Resources application view, which displays all available quantum...