Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum
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Superposition is something we generally can’t see with the naked eye. It’s defined as a combination of two similar yet distinct phenomena occurring at once: for example, being able to whistle and hum at the same time. Both are the same in that they are audible waves but distinct in how they sound. You can whistle without humming, and vice versa; however, doing them both at the same time is placing them in a superposition as you are creating a combination of both distinct sounds at the same time.
In quantum mechanics, we are typically discussing the superposition of an electron. Since an electron is very small and there are so many of them, it is hard to distinguish one with even a powerful microscope. It is commonly referred to as an elementary particle. There are, however, some analogies in the classical world that we can use to illustrate what superposition is. For example, a spinning coin is what most texts use to describe superposition...