Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum
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Here we are, the final chapter. If you’ve made it this far, then congratulations on keeping yourself focused and determined, your time was well invested! As we close out this chapter, and the book, I want to also make sure I don’t just leave you here with some basics and wish you the best. I’ve found most technical books seem to do that. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I always felt like most don’t provide help regarding next steps or, better yet, any next best action. I thought I would include this chapter as a shift from education to enablement. In other words, where to go from here and how. With Qiskit 1.0 (and future updates), we should approach this as a transition to really getting a head start towards enabling you with the proper tools and patterns to evolve your current experiments towards ideal utility application candidates. The goal here is that this book will not only provide...